Do whatever you like with it. If you add a major improvement (like
correct type synthesis and the like), please drop me an email.
This modification is available from the following places:
Version Information
0.99 First Release - probably the last one, too. I'm
currently working on my master's thesis, so time
is precious right now.
Disclaimer and Trademarks
The author takes no responsiblity for misuse of this program.
He is not responsible for any damage caused by it.
Quake TM (c)1996 id Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
All trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
<-- This section added by ~SamWise~ (Dave) -->
Compiling UNQCC
I represent alot of confused people whom after downloading Unqcc098 were dissapointed when it
presented us with gobs of errors. it seems that the creator did not bother to include the
needed files (cmdlib.c, pr_lex.c, pr_comp.h, and pr_comp.c) he left it up to us to get them.
Finding the files was not hard but when We recieved the source kit, the files were incompatible..
Finnaly I decided to read through the qcc.c file provided and extract the decompiling code,
(i don't even know C). when the code was inserted into a qcc.c file that already compiled
perfectly the code worked great. (ie.. thats how I am uploading this now). PLEASE DO NOT
GET ME WRONG, I am not trying to put down Christian Knauer (the author) I am mearly stating
that probably on a whim he uploaded the wrong source files (sorry Christian).
Problems with decompiling
The error with line 153 of misc.qc,
ID's original Code (works great: no visible errors in code)
precache_model ("progs/lavaball.mdl");
self.classname = "fireball";
self.nextthink = time + (random() * 5);
self.think = fire_fly;
if (!self.speed)
self.speed == 1000;
unqcc's generated code (doesn't work: this error is not ID's fault)
precache_model ("progs/lavaball.mdl"); // no errors
self.classname = "fireball"; // no errors
self.nextthink = (time + (random () * MOVETYPE_FLY)); // MOVETYPE_FLY this name changes randomly durring decompilation it was TE_LIGHTNING twice before it turned into this.
self.think = fire_fly; // no errors here
if ( !self.speed ) { // whoa where did the next line go (well that solve this problem)
I will provide a bianary or qcc.exe (32bit DOS), I do not take any responsability for any
damage caused by the use of this executable, I give no express or implied warantees about
this program. I can only assure you that this program works great on my p166 win95 system.
Also included in the ZIP file will be all files needed to compile this program. (you need your
own Compiler) I use djgpp v2 it works great for me, you can get it at